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Election 2020: Noxon School Board

Noxon Schools has four open positions. David Pafford, Amber Miskowitz and Norris Bryan are running unopposed for their respective positions. Voters will cast a ballot for one of the two following candidates for the one-year position open this year.

NAME: Andrew Chaboya Cabaccang

OCCUPATION: Political Strategist, Volunteer

1. What is unique about you that would benefit the school board?

I’m a proud graduate of Noxon High School (1982). I believe in public education 100%. My opponent has chosen to home school some of his children. If one feels that is the best for one’s child, so be it. However, I feel a board member must be “all in” when it comes to public education.

I also believe that one has to be out and about in the community. You will find me at both school and community events.

2. What do you think makes a school board successful?

A successful board needs members that are approachable to everyone: administrators, teachers, staff, students, and community members. A board member can’t be successful if they are not visible nor approachable. I will treat everyone fairly and with respect. Kindness is more effective than being rude and dismissive.

3. What is your vision for education in your community?

“Everyone who remembers his own education remembers teachers, not methods and techniques. The teacher is the heart of the educational system.” -- Sidney Hook. Our teachers are incredibly dedicated to their students, despite being some of the lowest paid in the state. They need our support. Full stop. Appreciated, empowered teachers will become those teachers’ students will remember fondly.

4. What are the current challenges facing education and school boards?

Morale. I hear it from ALL stakeholders, from students to community members (who in the end funds the school with tax revenue), and everyone in between. It starts by supporting the “heart” of the education system our teachers. Morale. I appreciate The Ledger giving me the opportunity to introduce myself to your readers. I can be reached at [email protected] or (208) 610-5415.

NAME: Reuben Habegger

OCCUPATION: Contractor

1. What is unique about you that would benefit the school board?

As a current Noxon School Board Trustee, a local businessman, and the father of a child attending Noxon, I represent a broad spectrum of experience that has contributed to solidarity and focus towards positive change. The synergy between our current board, administration, and faculty has made it possible for us to quickly respond to agenda items in the best interest of our district and our children’s education.

2. What do you think makes a school board successful?

A successful school board maintains a positive relationship with the administration, the faculty and the community. These relationships are critical to establish focused efforts in the best interest of our child’s education.

3. What is your vision for education in your community?

I hope to continue to work for positive change within our district by focusing on academics, continuing to improve our strategic plan, and to foster closer relationships with our community and parents.

4. What are the current challenges facing education and school boards?

The most impeding challenges that we face is overcoming the impact of the COVID19 pandemic. Our board, administrators, and teachers are working tirelessly to ensure we are meeting the requirement of the Governor’s directives while still maintaining educational mandates.


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