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Question of the Week: What has been the biggest challenge during quarantine?

GARY SEARLE, Heron - “We really haven’t had any issues from this coronavirus thing, quite frankly. I just thought the toilet paper deal was funny. Still haven’t figured that one out.”

JOHN KAUFMANN, Thompson Falls – “My biggest concern has been for my wife who is immune-compromised. She can’t go anywhere, and I don’t want to bring anything back home.”

GREG HINKLE, Thompson Falls – “The biggest challenge has been not seeing our grandkids.”

PAUL GALLO, “The biggest challenge for me has been having to drive to Whitefish and check on my mother who is in an assisted living home. And when I’m there I can’t even really see her but through the window.”

MICHELLE BINGHAM, Thompson Falls – “Not hugging my sister. Also, our Strong Women/People class was canceled and we miss our friends.”

GINA WEST, Thompson Falls - “The hardest part for me has been not being able to hug my sister.”


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