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Highway resurfacing proposed in T. Falls

The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) is inviting the public to comment on a proposal to resurface about 1.3 miles of Montana Highway 200 through the city of Thompson Falls. The project begins 0.1 mile southeast of the western Thompson Falls city limits and extends through Thompson Falls for 1.3 miles, ending 400 feet west of the eastern city limits.

Proposed work includes replacing the top layer of existing pavement, followed by a seal and cover (chip seal). Other work will include upgraded sidewalk facilities, pavement markings, signage, and delineation. The purpose of the project is to extend the service life of the existing pavement and improve pedestrian accessibility.

The project is tentatively scheduled for construction in 2022, depending on completion of all project development activities and availability of funding. Right-of-Way and utility relocations may be needed.

An important part of planning for future projects is partnering with the community. The Montana Department of Transportation welcomes the public to provide ideas and comments on the proposed project. Comments may be submitted online at or in writing to Montana Department of Transportation, Missoula office at P.O. Box 7039, Missoula, MT 59807-7039. Please note that comments are for project UPN 9708000.

The public is encouraged to contact Missoula District Administrator Bob Vosen at (406) 523-5802 or Project Design Engineer Jake McKinney at (406) 594-3904 for additional information.


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