Independently owned since 1905

Justice Court

Before Justice of the Peace Doug Dryden

Sanders County Sheriff’s Office

Joshua Townsley, 45, stop sign violation, $85.

Montana Highway Patrol

Elisabeth Starr, 25, careless driving, $85.

Shannon Pavlik, 50, day speeding, $20.

Edward Jolma, 39, speeding in a restricted zone, $65.

Erick Santos, 29, speeding in a restricted zone, $85.

Ryan Smail, 38, speeding in a restricted zone, $65.

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks

Cody Evers, 30, driving on closed road/trail, $135.

Kyle Burbach, 28, failed to give notice of accident by quickest means/apparent damage over $1,000, first offense $275; careless driving, second offense, $85.


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