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Class of 2020, don't forget the homework
To graduating seniors, life does not get much better than the moment the classwork stops. Most people will say that it is the moment they walk across the stage; however, in reality it’s when a senior realizes that for the first time in 12 years, they do not have to turn in any more homework. From this point on, that step is optional.
Down the line college assignments, work projects and even helping their own children with their schoolwork is the next time any graduating senior will have any “homework” to think about, and all of these moments are optional. However, wise words were once spoken that the hard work never really stops, and those assignments that made school so much of a pain are also the things that will get a senior through their life. Most of life is that way. The hardships are the things that we actually remember the most fondly because if we cannot make it through the hard, then how can we really appreciate the fun?
So, for those seniors graduating in 2020, remember that moment of true euphoria that comes from graduation, and remember to apply that same level of hard work to the rest of life. Do the optional hard work, because it will pay off. If a senior can do that, then they will have a very happy life indeed.
— John Dowd
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