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Tuesday night men's race is on for 2020 season

The Tuesday Night race is on.

Easy Street Autoworks eased into the league lead, Sparky’s Gutter Time shot the low team gross and Double H Dirt Works the low team net as action heated up in Tuesday Night Men’s League play at River’s Bend last week.

Bill Nolen shot the low individual gross of 40, and Carter Meyer cashed in on the low net with a 33.

Sparky’s golfers Caleb Bates, Kevin Sparks, Tom Holleran and Mike Thilmony teamed up to go low gross with their collective round of 176, while Double H Dirt used the adjusted scores of Scott Pardee, Ty Pardee, Tom Kirkland and Jake Helvey to arrive at the low team net of 151.

In hole play, Ron Beaty was closest to the pin in 3 on No. 11, Mike Normandin ran in the long putt on No. 12, Bates was closest to the pin twice, first on No. 14 and then again on 17, Charlie Hooten rolled in the long putt on No. 15, Cody Mosher hit the long drive on No. 18, and Jens Jantzen hit the long 55+ drive on No 18.

Normandin and Petteys both put in chip-in shots on No. 13, and Rick Hagedorn downed one on No. 14.

The standings:

Easy Street Autoworks 46

Big Sky Pantry 45

Feed-N-Fuel 43.5

Sparky’s Gutter Time 42.5

Double H Dirt Works 39

Bear Muscle Fitness 38.5

Lakeside Motel 33

Internet Kitchen 32.5


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