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Hot Springs students and family gathered in the football field to celebrate the graduation of the seniors of 2020. Rain loomed on the horizon; however, it blew by, opening into a clear sky and the event remained unspoiled. This symbolized the spirit of the graduates throughout the day and the event as a whole. Social distancing and COVID-19 may have put a damper on graduations for 2020, but the Hot Springs staff and students held a hopeful and successful graduation.
During the proceedings, immediate family and friends were allowed to sit within a small area, with groups of chairs cordoned off from each other. Outside this roped off area others watched from the bleachers and from their cars.
Hot Springs graduated 13 seniors, many of whom have college aspirations and have earned thousands of dollars in secondary education scholarships. During the graduation the guest speaker, Andrew Leichtnam, talked of the success he has seen from these graduates and the bright futures they all display. He compared them to those in the past who have been driven and self-assessed. He also compared them to their ancestors who were born over 100 years ago, talking about the trials they had faced through war, famine and pandemic. Leichtnam ended his speech saying, "Tough times don't last, but tough people do."
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