Independently owned since 1905

Question of the Week

Would you prefer having grow up in the same town or moved around?

CRAIG CAMPBELL, Hawaii — “I’ve traveled to over 30 countries and, in my experience, traveling has broadened my horizons, diversified my thinking and allowed me to experience a multitude of cultures and experiences.

CHRISTINA GOODWIN, Noxon — “I grew up locally and I moved away for a while, but I found myself wanting to come home and I love it here. I love my life the way it is now.”

KAREN EVANS, Thompson Falls — “I definitely prefer staying in this county. I moved here in 2000 and raised our kids here. We love it here and hope to never leave.”

CRYSTAL CURRY, Thompson Falls — “I Pretty much moved around with my dad from 1982 to 1997 because he worked for the federal highway. So moving around was what we did.”

WESTON STOVER, Thompson Falls —

“Personally, I think that Montana is the most beautiful place that I have ever seen, and I have been a lot of places. So, that being said, there is no better place, and no better community to grow up in than Thompson Falls Montana.”

CERRIA SWAGGER, Thompson Falls —

“Small town community, by far.”


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