Independently owned since 1905
Last week when arriving at City Hall, I was informed of an incident that took place at Ainsworth Park. Someone had taken a CRAP on the floor of the unfinished bathroom! This is the most disrespectful thing I have heard of. I could not believe some lowlife would stoop to something like this. I know that this is too much to ask for, but I would hope that whoever did this had the balls enough to fess-up.
Ainsworth is in the final stages of construction. Many years, untold hours of effort, monetary support, planning and community support have gone into making this happen. Taylor Services and those subcontracting have done a great job in the construction. This park is something that the community can be proud of. I give a great big thank you to all who have made this happen.
Vandalism here and other parks in the City just ruin the experience for everyone and cost the taxpayers money that could go for other services or improvements. Take pride in in the community and don’t destroy it for everyone else.
Mark Sheets, Mayor
City of Thompson Falls
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