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TF outlines steps to reopen schools

During a board meeting Tuesday, the Thompson Falls School Board publicly revealed their plan to reopen in the fall of 2020. They said that they will proceed “business as usual,” according to the Thompson Falls Superintendent, Bud Scully. However, Scully also added “our plan has to be flexible.” The board wanted to assure the public that they will be working for the safety of the kids, however, will be following the minimum requirements of Phase 2 guidelines for reopening.

The meeting was attended by nearly 50 community members, gathered, in the parking lot of the middle school. during the meeting, the superintendent said that they had ordered nearly 400 extra masks to support the 700 they already possess. They also ordered hand sanitizer, plexiglass and testing equipment for the fall. The school will be promoting social distancing wherever they can, however, will not be changing schedules or layout. The school hired a full-time registered nurse and three additional custodians will help help sanitize throughout the day. Masks will be encouraged, but not required.

Thompson Falls will be providing all-online learning for students who wish to stay at home, however those who choose this route must complete the semester online. Scully said that jumping back into ordinary class would be too difficult for both the teacher and the student. Teachers are taking Google Classroom training in case the state returns to Phase 1 and kids are kept at home.

All staff, students and visitors will be screened at the start of the day They will be stricter on entry and exit to prevent cross contamination from outside of the school. The school is purchasing more school supplies in general, so there is not as much sharing, especially among the lower grades. This will help to prevent the spread among young children, according to Scully.

Scully that 80% of parents who responded to a survey the school sent out said that they would send their kids back to school in the fall, so that influenced greatly the Thompson Falls plan. Should the state move into phase 3 the screening will become more laxed, or even stop.


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