Independently owned since 1905

Noxon/Bull River Weather

August daytime highs were slightly below average and nighttime lows continue the trend of being above average. Rainfall was a measly 0.12 inches compared to the 1.21-inch average. As of the writing of this report (9/7) we have gone 66 days since we last had a rain of greater than 0.1 inch in a day. It is the second longest dry spell behind the 93 days of 2017. But this year’s drought hasn’t ended yet. NOAA is reporting a 60% chance of La Nina conditions developing for this fall and winter. The La Nina ocean circulation pattern tends to bring more moisture and snow to our part of the country. Total moisture for this water-year (since October 1, 2019) is 29.52 inches compared to the average of 34.83 inches (15% below average).

Measured Historical Historical (since 1965)

Data Average Extremes

Temperature (F)

Average daytime high 83.0 84.6

Average nighttime low 53.0 49.7

Average temp 68.0 67.2

Highest temp 97 (16th) 106 (1967)

Lowest temp 46 (13th,14th) 33 (1969)

Days Max >= 90 8 11.0 25 (1986)

Days Max <= 32 0 0 0

Days Min <= 32 0 0 0

Days Min <= 0 0 0 0

Precipitation (in.) 0.12 1.21 4.3 (1989)

Snowfall (in.) 0.0 0.0 0.0


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