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ELECTION 2020: State House, District 13

NAME: Paul C Fielder, Republican Candidate

EDUCATION: MS in Wildlife Biology, BS in Fisheries Biology, AAS in Agriculture

PROFESSION: Retired Wildlife Biologist

1. What characteristics make you right for this position?

Experience in leadership positions and at the legislature make me the most EFFECTIVE candidate for HD-13. I'm in my sixth year as Chairman of our county Republican Party and have been a president or director of professional and sportsmen organizations. I've testified often in the legislature, helped write legislation, and am known to the legislators I'll be working with. I won't be an inexperienced novice when I get there. For years, I've showed up and participated as a leader at many meetings and events in NW Montana. I can best represent our area on fish, wildlife and natural resource issues.

2. If elected, what piece of legislation would be your priority?

ALL LEGISLATION that protects our Constitutional rights and freedoms, lessens restrictions, reduces taxes, limits government interference in our lives, improves fish and wildlife management, and protects religious freedoms, the unborn, our 2nd Amendment, and Law & Order will be my priority. No one piece of legislation can do all that. My priority is to know how every single piece of legislation that comes forth will affect those values, so I can vote to protect those values. My supporters are not sending me to the legislature to just do one thing. They expect more. They want effective representation on many topics.

3. If you are elected and look ahead to the end of your term, what one significant change would you initiate?

The proper role of government is to protect people's right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness –including owning and controlling their own property. We have the right to "pursue" happiness and property by the decisions we make and the work we do. My votes in the legislature will always be for more freedoms and less government restrictions, regulations, and taxes. If my votes can reduce many of those government imposed burdens on the people so that we become freer citizens and have better wildlife and public land management, that will be a significant change and time well spent.

4. What else would you like residents to know about you?

Actions speak louder than words! I have a history of "showing up" and being an effective voice and a leader in the work to be done. I'm the candidate endorsed by the Montana Family Foundation, the NRA and Montana Shooting Sports Association, and Montanans for Limited Government because they know me to be pro-life, pro-2nd Amendment, and for limited government. My wife Jennifer served as our very conservative Senator for 8 years, and now I'm willing to step up and do my part so the people in this area can continue to have a strong, conservative voice in Helena.

NAME: Colleen Hinds, Decmocrat Candidate

Public lands should stay in public hands. These are open lands that with proper permits Montanans can hunt for food, cut firewood for heat, pick berries, fish, recreate; a definite privilege to living in this clean, beautiful state.

Medicaid expansion

A wide-open state has lots of rural people, who need affordable, accessible health care. Our rural hospitals do so well keeping up with high standards of services available close to home.

Clean, sustainable, renewable energy

I have grandchildren, do you? What kind of world will there be? Our actions now need to consider the impact on the "next seven generations."

Yes, I will wear a mask when in session, indoors when social distancing is difficult.

NAME: Cade Stiles, Libertarian Candidate

EDUCATION: University of Montana Western, Modern History major and Government minor


1. What characteristics make you right for this position?

I have been someone whose actions speak much louder than words. I have always been someone who, no matter what the circumstances, held my ground and worked to the bone. My biggest trait would be my honesty and transparency with people, they know talking to me that I am not a political hack looking for someone to throw them a bone for the right word or two. I speak with a determined voice and say what I mean no matter what. I have a homegrown conservative approach to politics self-tailored by my love of this country and the constituents' will.

2. If elected, what piece of legislation would be your priority?

I would like to work together with everyone in the legislature to work out a cost-efficient and effective state COVID-19 economic relief bill. People in my district, especially our great business owners, have been devastated by the economic effects of this pandemic. I would like to focus my first year on hashing out a bill that will effectively lower almost all state taxes for a couple years and possible tax rebates for those who had to grind the hardest through this. 2020 has put my priorities to getting my fellow constituents back on their feet first and foremost.

3. If you are elected and look ahead to the end of your term, what one significant change would you initiate?

Getting rid of those wolves! Let us be honest, I am a hunter and angry that I have nothing to hunt anymore because of these non-native wolves infesting our beautiful lands. Fish, Wildlife and Parks had all the opportunity to fix this problem, they did not. Our former legislators had the opportunity to fix this, they did not. Time for a kid seeing the damage done to take a stand! I want to fight FWP and stop their bureaucracy from hurting Montana families any further for out-of-state interests. I want Montana hunters prioritized with those wolves gone ASAP!

4. What else would you like residents to know about you?

I am a young lad who loves this place I was raised in. I am tired of the party politics ruining this great state. Voters should see me as someone who does not play party games and is not a political sellout. People know me; they know I am not a puppet. I will fight 24/7 to protect these public lands, our veterans, our communities, and our constitutional rights. I want people to know that I want to work for you and will do everything in my power to be the most efficient and trustworthy politician you have ever seen.


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