Independently owned since 1905

An amazing legacy

Thank you, Harold.

A true community leader passed away recently. Harold Hudson left a lasting impression on me from the first time I met him a few years ago, after I became the regional information and education program manager for Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks. Harold was very passionate about mentoring young men and women in firearm safety and hunter education. He was also dedicated beyond belief.

In the 25 years he served as a volunteer instructor for the Montana Hunter Education Program, he led 57 hunter education classes that certified 1,265 students. In that same time, he also led 29 bowhunter education classes and certified another 421 students. Altogether, Harold mentored 1,686. To put this remarkable achievement in perspective: When you consider the Sanders County population is nearly 12,000 people, that means Harold directly impacted the lives of roughly 1 in 7 residents, or 14% of the county population. That’s an absolutely amazing legacy. And that legacy lives on and grows through those who can follow in your footsteps as community leaders, mentors and safe, ethical outdoorsmen.

All thanks to you, Harold.

Dillon Tabish, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, Kalispell


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