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Something is very wrong

Last week I worked as an election judge to prepare ballots to be mailed. I was aware, typical of this community, poor consistency in the mandate for masks.

On Thursday everyone was told to wear masks while in the building because there was someone that tested positive and there may be more. Some of our election judges opted out and left for personal reasons. I respected and appreciated that. I learned the number of cases of COVID-19 has been steadily increasing not just in the courthouse but in our county due to persons unwilling to comply and wear a mask. Human Resources in the courthouse installed a reserve officer at the front door the following day to enforce no masks, temps etc., and I was grateful.

Now what has horrified me is our elected officials (sheriff) that has sworn an oath to protect our community allows his personal agenda to supersede the welfare to those he serves. Reserve officers were allowed to refuse to be at the front door, protecting all the staff and public within the courthouse because like their boss, they refused to wear a mask. Now staff at the courthouse have to take a shift to protect each other. AND to make matters just a bit more interesting in this county, Paul Fielder running for an elected office shows no intention of following the wisdom of our governor nor protecting those he is asking to vote for him by shopping in Harvest where it is also posted. What? You cannot believe this is a pandemic, you may believe it is just like the flu.

But what gets me is why people are so self-absorbed knowing over 213,000 deaths have occurred in our nation since March due to COVID-19. Countless others have had it and “recovered” but there may be unknown remaining damage. It is one thing from individuals “protecting their individual rights,” but another from elected officials and those running who are failing to follow laws and lead us for the welfare of our whole community. Other countries have proven simple protections protect us all. So yes, something is wrong in Sanders County, very wrong. What happened to “Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment than these.” Mark 12:31.

Respectfully submitted,

Dawn Gandalf,

Thompson Falls


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