Independently owned since 1905

Sheriff's Log

Ambulance calls: Plains, 10; Hot Springs, 2; T. Falls, 5; Dixon, 2; Trout Creek, 3; Paradise, 1.

Monday, October 12

Animal other, T. Falls.

Informational case, Hot Springs.

Road hazard/blockage, Plains.

Theft, Plains.

Harassment/privacy in communications, Hot Springs.

Assist motorist/citizen, Hot Springs.

Informational case, T. Falls.

Weapons offense, Plains.

Disturbance, Hot Springs.

Tuesday, October 13

Trespass, Hot Springs.

Motor vehicle crash, T. Falls.

Fire, Hot Springs.

General animal call or complaint, Paradise.

Abandoned vehicle, Noxon.

Abandoned vehicle, T. Falls.

Disturbance, Trout Creek.

Suspicious activity, Hot Springs.

Threats, Hot Springs.

Fire, Trout Creek.

Livestock, Hot Springs.

Suicide attempts/threats, Dixon.

Road hazard, debris on road, Perma.

General animal call or complaint, Plains.

Road hazard, debris on road, Noxon.

Informational case, Noxon.

Road hazard/ blockage, Hot Springs.

Wednesday, October 14

Theft, T. Falls.

Threats, T. Falls.

Fire, T. Falls.

Civil standby, Plains.

Suspicious activity, T. Falls.

Theft, realtor called reporting a possible burglary to a commercial building for which they are the listing agent, Noxon.

Civil standby, T. Falls.

Informational case, Plains.

Road hazard/blockage, Paradise.

Other law violations, Paradise.

Thursday, October 15

Alarm-intrusion/holdup, Dixon.

Disturbance, report of an assault and disorderly conduct, referred to county attorney for warrant, Hot Springs.

Civil standby, Hot Springs.

Suspicious activity, T. Falls.

Fire, T. Falls.

Motor vehicle crash, Trout Creek.

Burglary, T. Falls.

Theft, Plains.

Civil attempts, T. Falls.

Assist motorist/citizen, Dixon.

Informational case, T. Falls.

Report of attempted theft and vandalism, Hot Springs.

General animal call or complaint, Plains.

Friday, October 16

Domestic/ PFMA, Plains.

Motor vehicle crash, Plains.

Fire, Trout Creek.

Theft, Trout Creek.

Motor vehicle crash, Camas.

Business contact, T. Falls.

Deputy responded to the report of a vehicle possibly being driven on the football field at the Noxon school, Noxon.

Bar check, T. Falls.

Saturday, October 17

Civil attempts, Hot Springs.

Animal bite, T. Falls.

Disturbance, Hot Springs.

Informational case, T. Falls.

Disturbance, T. Falls.

Informational case, Dixon.

Informational case, T. Falls.

Bar check, T. Falls.

Disturbance, T. Falls.

Suspicious activity, Hot Springs.

Fire, T. Falls.

Sunday, October 18

Property damage/criminal mischief, Plains.

Disturbance, Trout Creek.

Business contact, T. Falls.

Disturbance, Hot Springs.

Fire, T. Falls.


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