October and November were very busy months for Trout Creek School! Covid-19 has not slowed us down and our students are happy to be back to in-person instruction! Our Re-opening Plan continues to be implemented and adjusted as needed changes occur.
We continue to wear hats on Fridays to collect money for Harlee Salmi and call this project “Hats for Harlee.” Without being able to have our annual Christmas Bazaar, we are currently running a school-wide fundraiser called “School Store,” where families can buy from famous merchants and support our school with a percentage of the purchase or with gift cards. Signing up is easy – go to and sign up using our school ID: 164577; companies like Target, Wal-Mart, Sears, Kohl’s, Tractor Supply Co. and many others donate a percent of your purchase to help our school! What could be easier, or more helpful for our kids and a nice way to help our community during the holidays?
Our teachers have been busy training in a variety of professional development areas related to intervention strategies, online instructional platforms, and Renaissance STAR (our new benchmark screening testing tool).
SOAR students of the month are chosen at the end of every month for exhibiting the traits of Safety, On-task learning, always Respectful and Responsible students.
We were just awarded a Small Schools Grant for $34,000 from the Office of Public Instruction and $8,000 from Clark Fork Enrichment. These grants will help us to operate toward continual progress in academic performance.
Debbie Phillips,
This past month has been busy at Noxon Schools. We have finished up successful seasons of both football and volleyball. Our high school basketball season will be starting later than usual in December with games starting in January. We recently have finished the installation of new cameras for the NFHS network, so now sports fans can live stream our Noxon Red Devils sporting events. This year we have a new journalism class, and they will be developing the district community newsletter that will be mailed out to everyone in the community. In our facility, we are wrapping up our new heater installation project that was funded through the state DLAP grant.
Mr. Jonathan Martin,
M. Ed., Superintendent
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