Independently owned since 1905
Unlike October, November was close to average, both in temperatures and precipitation. Very different from the record November of 1985, when the temperature dropped to a record 10 below zero and 17 days when the temperature never got above freezing and November of 1996 when we got 58" of snow, the beginning of a winter that brought a record 247 inches (20 feet) of snow. Total moisture for this water-year (since October 1, 2020) is 8.95" compared to 7.63" average (17% above average). For snowfall, we have 19.2" compared to 13.2" average (45% above average). The Poorman Creek SNOTEL station at 5100 ft reads 24" of snow on the ground (6.7" water-equivalent), 93% of average.
Measured Historical Historical (since 1965)
Data Average Extremes
Temperature (F)
Average daytime high 38.8 39.4
Average nighttime low 31.6 29.5
Average temp 35.2 34.5
Highest temp 59 63 (1999)
Lowest temp 22 -10 (1985)
Days Max >=90 0 0 0
Days Max <=32 3 4.0 17 (1985)
Days Min <=32 20 19.5 29 (1993)
Days Min <=0 0 0.2 5 (1985)
Precipitation (in) 4.72 4.83 10.7 (1989)
Snowfall (in) 12.6 13.2 57.8 (1996)
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