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Election irregularities

Dear Editor,

I would like to respond to Jim Elliot’s op-ed “A dangerous game with democracy” (January 7, 2021).

There are hundreds of documented instances of irregularities in the last election that I find unexplained to this date. In the recent Georgia senate hearings on the November election, Jovan Pulitzer’s team hacked into the counting system in real time using the local Wi-Fi. In the CNN election night broadcasts, the tallies at the bottom of the screen were shown to slide votes from one candidate to another. From Atlanta, there is video of cases of ballots being pulled from under tables after all of the observers left to be counted on the sly. Fulton County, Georgia, was unable to replicate their original count when requested. Observers were given the bum’s rush in Detroit when they tried to take their stations during the count. Windows were blocked so no one could see what was going on in the counting centers in Michigan. Districts recorded more votes tallied than registered voters. In Pennsylvania, USPS workers were ordered to pre-date postmarks on mail-in ballots. In one Montana election, the county election official decided to extend the election for a week without authorization from the legislature as required by the Montana State Constitution.

None of these irregularities have been addressed to my satisfaction. I have seen no explanations showing how ballots were validated to the necessary standards. The system is supposed to be transparent. This means any citizen can see the process and determine that necessary checks were in place to prevent fraud. This does not happen behind blocked windows or where observers are barred from the scene. This does not happen when results cannot be replicated.

The system is broken and until we admit it, it is not going to be repaired. As an individual citizen, I do not have the clout necessary to require an inquiry. I rely on my elected officials to provide that clout. As we have seen in the last week, when the people have no confidence in a free and fair election, there are riots. Any politician who supports investigations into ensuring we have clean elections in the future has my support. Therefore, I salute each senator and representative, both state and federal, who did have the courage to take my case to Congress.

Catherine Moore,



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