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I do not oppose Article V per se, just all misuse of it. The Constitution is not the problem, amending or rewriting is not the solution.
I stand solidly OPPOSED to SJ2 currently before the MT Senate Judiciary Committee.
Just enforce the Constitution. The problem? An out of control judiciary and legislature bought and paid for by the same globalist interest that promote the A V Convention plan to undo our law.
Our U.S. Constitution is NOT lacking the restraint necessary to stop federal tyranny, it is our current Legislative and Judiciary and complicit officials that Ignore the Constitution. Get control of the Judiciary and correct our ‘liberalized’ election laws, and watch the corrective needle swing back to a solid republican government structure as guaranteed in our current Constitution.
Don’t ‘fix’ the law, fix the problem; legislative, judicial, corrupt election system. A better public knowledge and understanding of U.S. Principles of Liberty, Constitution, and Civics is far better correction than undoing the solid and exceptional foundation provided us in the most exceptional document written since the Magna Carta.
I oppose all efforts to dismantle our Constitution. It makes NO sense to change law to satisfy criminality. OPPOSE SJ 2!
Lark Chadwick
Thompson Falls
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