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P-HS grapples Eureka Lions

Eureka won the dual but the Plains-Hot Springs Savage Horsemen still gained a lot from the day.

Grappling a dual with Eureka in Eureka Friday, the Savage Horsemen lost that dual 39-21 but ended up getting 20 valuable matches for their wrestlers before the event ended.

“Overall we had a good dual with Eureka,” P-HS coach Shane Angle said. “We got some good looks for some of our boys on where we stand against some state place winning wrestlers.”

For the record, Jacob Schulze pinned Eureka’s Carson Conard in 1:07 at 120 pounds and Bert DeTienne won a 6-0 decision from Jaxon Hume at 160 for P-HS’s two wins in the dual.

At 126, the Horsemen’s Peter Carey lost a tough 5-2 decision to Eureka’s Kyle Durden, Gunnar Smith of Eureka pinned Stephen Schulze at 132, and Brenden Vanderwall (145), William Dyson (182) and Denny Black (285) all lost by pin.

In the exhibitions for P-HS, Donnie Nelson (103-113), Drew Carey (120), Brady Schrenk (138), Brody Black (145), DeTienne (152), and Lillian McDondald (145) all won matches by pin, and Jesse Uski (182) won a 1-0 decision from Eureka’s Colyn Johnson.

Stephen Schulze, Vanderwall, Denny Black, Dyson and Brody Black also wrestled exhibition matches in Eureka.

In their only scheduled action this week, P-HS wrestlers plan on attending another triangular dual in Florence Friday, where Eureka is also expected to attend.

Coach Angle said a girls all-class MHSA state tournament is planned for February 19-20, and that he has four wrestlers he plans on entering into that event – Taylor Angle, Lilly McDonald, Olivia Ester and Mykenzi Blood. Please see next week’s Ledger for more details on the MHSA girls meet.


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