Independently owned since 1905

Justice Court

Before Justice of the Peace Doug Dryden

Sanders County Sheriff’s Office

Beverly Pattison, 33, driving while privilege is suspended, 1st offense, $285.

Joseph Gamboa, 51, speeding in restricted zone, $55.

Todd Dennis, 32, speeding in restricted zone, $55.

Levi Frame, 27, speeding in restricted zone, $55.

Zane Lindsay, 35, speeding in restricted zone, $55.

Montana Highway Patrol

Robert Welch, 46, seatbelt violation, $20; driving without a valid license, $235; careless driving, $85.

Johathana Bailey, 47, day speeding, $70.

Patrick Roy, 34, seatbelt violation, $20.

Joshua Sveum, 42, day speeding, $120.

Anna Noland, 35, fail to give notice of accident by quickest means, 1st offense, $125; fail to have child under 6 years and less than 60 pounds properly restrained, $45; fail to have child under 6 years and less than 60 pounds properly restrained, $45; basic rule, reasonable and prudent, 1st offense, $45.

Grant Fredenberg, 43, day speeding, $20.

Taralee Ryan, 20, speeding in school zone, $95.

Jason Friede, 32, seatbelt violation, $20; night speeding, $20.

Jesse Gibson, 37, criminal possession of dangerous drugs, $125; operating without liability insurance in effect, 1st offense, $275; seatbelt violation, $20; operating a vehicle which has not been properly registered, $75; criminal possession of drug paraphernalia, $125; obstructing a peace officer, $185.

Motor Carrier Services

Stephen Matthews, 58, operating without over-dimensional permit, $85.

Thomas Scheffer, 56, operating with expired registration, $45.


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