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Question of the Week

Are people becoming more comfortable with group gatherings?

TASHA ALBANO, Thompson Falls - “I feel so because you see more people out now, and it is not seeming as scary as people once thought it was.”

MADYLYN MENZEL, Trout Creek - “I think that people in specific groups can become more comfortable. I think people with more health conditions should be staying inside.”

JERRY MESSING, Thompson Falls - “I do, I can see it more. The virus is still around, and I think they are more careful.”

MATT DOMBACH, Thompson Falls - “I believe, in our area people are becoming more comfortable. There are other parts of the country where they are not, where my family is at, but locally yes I think they are.”

PATTY JOHNSON, Plains - “I believe that people are more comfortable getting together and not wearing masks, and I really wish they would still wear masks and distance. We all need to be safe, even with the vaccines.”

LAURA DOYLE, Spokane, Washington - “It depends on who you are and where you are. Sure, here in Montana, and I know in Idaho I think a lot of people are. In Washington we are still closed.”


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