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ELECTION 2021: Noxon School Board Candidates

NAME: Cassandra Hill

EDUCATION: Noxon High School graduate, 2006

OCCUPATION: Stay-at-home mom

Why do you want to be on the school board?

Since being appointed a board member for Noxon Schools in October of 2020, my goal has always been to play an active role in making decisions that best affect the students, administration, staff, and community members of our district.

What one change would you like to see implemented in your school district?

Some changes I'd like to see for our district would be to increase the longevity of our superintendent role. Working alongside the other board members to research/ review and decide the best fit for the certain criteria our district needs in a leadership role. As well as implementing cohesive ways to unite administration, staff, and students while making progress towards raising our student's test scores. Ultimately dropping our 7-12th grades from OPI's targeted status. I would love to see some positive changes in the academics of our students thus catapulting them into greater success after high school.

If elected, how will you prioritize the needs of Administrators, staff, and students?

In my opinion, the school system is like a well-oiled machine, made up of different components. The key is finding the balance in each component to run a smooth operation collectively, with the end result being success in every student attending the Noxon School District. Also, during these times of COVID-19 and the many impacts it has had at our local levels, it's imperative that board members be aware of the federal and state legislation creating new rules and regulations for our district. And collectively allocating relief funds to help close the educational gap many students have faced due to disruptions in teaching efforts.

NAME: Bill Stevenson

EDUCATION: 1975: graduated high school in El Paso, Texas; 1993-1994: completed two years at San Jacinto Junior College 

OCCUPATION: Business owner, Trout Creek Motel & RV Park

Why do you want to be on the school board?

With my extensive background as a school board member, including 3 years worth of experience in Oregon, I have a lot of experience and insight into the board process. By utilizing the skills I've gained as a past board member, coupled with my fostering and parenting background, I believe I'm a strong candidate. Above all, I'm well-educated in school policies and politics and I believe I would work incredibly well with my fellow board members. I look forward to implementing my conservative values and utilizing my strong community ties to meet the goals of the school, community and students.

What one change would you like to see implemented in your school district?

Working with kids has opened my mind to factors affecting student performance in and outside the classroom. While coaching sports, I saw how unfortunate some kids are with lack of parent involvement and I'd like to see better understanding of the struggles and challenges special needs children and foster kids endure. With my insight, I hope to address those issues with administrators, educators, parents and students. Having compassion to understand those children who are struggling with emotional, mental and physical delays and experiences would bring our community closer together and educate children of all ages, while identifying and addressing their needs.

If elected, how would you prioritize the needs of administrators, staff and students?

The needs of the administrators and staff must be met in order for the students to achieve their maximum potential. One of the key pieces in prioritizing the needs of those in the school district is communication. Having raised my kids and foster kids in this school district, I've realized that not all of the school's policies and decisions are effectively passed to community members, specifically the student's caregivers. By exploring new methods of communication, like email, social media or good old fashioned news bulletins in the mail, caregivers can remain apprised of what's happening within their own district.

NAME: Jason Colyer

EDUCATION: I hold a Master's in Education from the University of Montana. I also have three separate Bachelor's degrees in chemistry, biology, and anthropology. I was raised in Sanders County and a graduate of Plains High School.

OCCUPATION: Professional Educator

Why do you want to be on the school board?

I want to offer my professional experience and knowledge to support a district and students that I truly care about. The students and community deserve the best education that we can provide for them. Through my years of service to this community and through the relationships forged, I feel that I can effectively and empathetically address the concerns of the community.

What one change would you like to see implemented in your school district?

I would like to unite the school board, administration and staff to provide a conducive and productive educational environment. By building relationships with the current trustees and the educational staff I hope to find common ground in which to develop and nurture prosperous working relationships.

If elected, how will you prioritize the needs of administrators, staff, and students?

The well-being and educational success of the students is my first and foremost priority. The decisions I have made and will continue to make will be in the mindset of what is best for the students of Noxon Public Schools. Second to that is making sure the district has the tools in place to provide an engaging, successful, and safe educational experience.

NAME: Lars Swanson

Having three kids attending Noxon School and consider myself fortunate to be on the school board for four years. During that time, we have had three superintendents, two principals and numerous teaching changes. Trust and confidence between the school board, teachers and the administration is a vital entity of any healthy school district. We have to rebuild those bridges, to move forward while continuing to provide leadership for our kids so they can continue to learn and grow in a healthy manner to pursue whatever paths they choose. When presented with concerns by community members, teachers, students or administration, I feel I have been very honest and have gone to great lengths to address their concerns.

NAME: Colleen Hinds

EDUCATION: A.D. in Nursing from Rochester, Minnesota, 1972

OCCUPATION: Retired, 40 years of nursing

Why do you want to be on the school board?

I want to re-engage with my community.

What one change would you like to see implemented in your school district?

Mental health issues are not a stigma. They are needs for attention.

If elected, how will you prioritize the needs of administrators, staff, and students?

Listen and learn.


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