Independently owned since 1905
NAME: Sarah Cooper
EDUCATION: Associates Degree Nursing; Bachelor of Science, Social Science with emphasis in Economics
OCCUPATION: Registered Nurse, currently working as a Contact Tracer for Sanders County Public Health. I'm also a full-time mom of two kiddos, and a member of the Thompson Falls Public Library Board. Former Manager of the Trout Creek Farmers Market.
Why do you want to be on the school board?
The Trout Creek School has served our community for generations, and in the 15 years that I have lived in the area I have seen the value of keeping our local school as strong as possible. The school board provides community support and guidance, and I want to be a part of keeping our school as healthy as possible so it can continue to provide services in our community.
What one change would you like to see implemented in your school district?
I'm not coming to the position with a preconceived agenda, so my first task is to find out how I can provide the support necessary to continue to meet the needs of the educational community.
As the area demographics have shifted to more retired folks and many stable jobs have left the area, it has created some very tangible challenges for those who are tasked with educating our children. The hardworking staff of the Trout Creek school have provided our children with a great education, and strong community support is important to continuing their legacy.
If elected, how will you prioritize the needs of administrators, staff and students?
Schools exist to provide excellent student learning, so supporting the needs of the students comes first. Hand in hand with that priority is supporting the needs of the hardworking staff of the Trout Creek school. When staff are well-supported, student learning flourishes, which I'm sure is the goal of the administrators.
NAME: Eric Viviano
EDUCATION: Associates Degree in John Deere Technology
OCCUPATION: Heavy Equipment Mechanic
Why do you want to be on the school board?
The most precious part of our lives is our children. I have two kids in the Trout Creek School District. Getting involved for the benefit of my kids, and for all the kids in Trout Creek, makes perfect sense.
What one change would you like to see implemented in your school district?
I believe education starts at home. Parents need to be more involved and have more control. A strong emphasis on the basics of the core curriculum including civics, government, and history are needed. As are an emphasis on morality, personal responsibility, and individual freedom. We live in the greatest country on earth and I feel it is important for kids to be taught accordingly.
If elected, how will you prioritize the needs of administrators, staff and students?
Our district needs to focus on all three. Student learning is key, but we must also support the staff and administrators. We need parents and people from the community to get involved, donate time, and help in any way possible.
NAME: Donald D. Ekstedt
EDUCATION: Trout Creek Elementary School, Arlee High School, college courses at sea in the U.S. Navy on ship deployment and after retirement, Napa College
OCCUPATION: 21 years U.S. Navy Master Chief; Drug and Alcohol Abuse and Family Counselor; Heavy Equipment Mechanic including HVAC in Asarco Mine; Business Owner
Why do you want to be on the school board?
I believe the seated school board members have lost sight of the problems that are prominent in Trout Creek Elementary School. I attended this school 65 years ago and believe the education received by students at that time was far superior to the current level.
What one change would you like to see implemented in your school district?
I would like to see a staff more dedicated to the needs of the pupils. The children are our most important asset and need to be taught the basics necessary to form the beginnings of a child more oriented to succeed in life and the current world situation.
If elected, how will you prioritize the needs of administrators, staff and students?
Students first.
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