Independently owned since 1905

Noxon/Bull River Weather

March temperatures were close to average, but moisture and snow totals were well below normal (1.7 inches of snow compared to 11.7 inches typically). Total moisture for this water-year (since October 1, 2020) is 21.20 inches compared to 25.01inches average (15% below average). For snowfall, we have 85.2 inches compared to 113.0 inches average (25% below average). The Poorman Creek SNOTEL station at 5,100 feet reads 81inches of snow on the ground (29.8 inches water-equivalent), 16% below median. The Lower Clark Fork region snowpack (from Clark Fork, ID, to Missoula) is reported as 7% below median.

Measured Historical Historical (since 1965)

Data Average Extremes

Temperature (F)

Average daytime high 47.6 47.0

Average nighttime low 29.3 28.0

Average temp 38.5 37.5

Highest temp 62 74 (1994)

Lowest temp 23 -7 (1976)

Days Max >=90 0 0 0

Days Max <=32 0 0.8 6 (2002)

Days Min <=32 27 24.2 31 (1976)

Days Min <=0 0 0.2 3 (1976)

Precipitation (in) 1.17 3.60 9.3 (2012)

Snowfall (in) 1.7 11.7 48.5 (2002)


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