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Board members essential

While in agreement with the editors statements about the need for, and value of, interested folks running for school boards, the statement got me thinking about the other side of the coin. We, the constituents, need to be aware of, and recognize, the service provided by the people we elect.

I’ve attended Thompson Falls school board meetings for around 30 years, with Bud Scully the sixth superintendent during that time, and more board members than I can remember. The last three years have been the most challenging I’ve observed, and our school board has stepped up in incredibly difficult circumstances.

Before COVID, while still adjusting to his job, the new superintendent (Bill Cain) encountered serious, unforeseen, health issues. When Bill died suddenly, a personal as well as professional loss, the board had to take on more administrative duties, including working to hire an interim superintendent – then COVID hit. They hired TWO superintendents (interim and permanent), and a high school principal, under social distancing constraints. I can only imagine the hours required of these (volunteer) public servants during this time.

Regardless who serves in the future, these people need to be recognized for the work they have done on our behalf.

Pat Crowder,

Thompson Falls


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