Independently owned since 1905

Our Viewpoint

Doing their part

When I heard that Quinn's Hot Springs Resort was offering a bonus to employees as an incentive for them to get vaccinated, my initial response was "that's awesome."

At The Ledger, we've been strongly encouraging masks and my employees still wear masks when we can't social distance.

Masks and precautions as a result of the pandemic have been met with all sorts of comments or political opinions. We have had several customers angry with our policies, when what we are trying to do is simply look out for our neighbors and families.

This week, I wrote about Quinn's offering their incentive. It's a bold step for a company. We haven't heard of anyone else on a local level offering this type of program. It takes courage to make that kind of statement. We support the company in helping our communities and the visitors who come to Sanders County stay safe.

The more life gets back to "normal," the more important it becomes that we're doing our part to ensure the safety of those around us, however small or large the gesture.

— Annie Wooden


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