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Sparks and Kelly take women's 2nd half lead

A new day has dawned in Women’s League golfing at River’s Bend.

With the first half of the season concluding the week before, the golfing ladies of Sanders County went out clubbing again last Thursday evening to start the second half of league action, which concluded with the team of Kim Sparks and Chris Kelly resting in first place.

The winners of the first half, the team of Jeanne Holleran and Tina Wheeler shot the low gross of 109, while Kristy Beaty and Danice Toyias combined for the best team net of 70.

Lana Nolen collected low individual gross honors with a 50 and Jacki Pride used her handicap to arrive at the low net of 27.

The standings:

K. Sparks-C. Kelly 33

K. Beaty-D. Toyias 26.5

L. Ganatos-J. Pride 22

J. Hollearn-T. Wheeler 21

M. Drop-B. Brooks 16.5

L. Morkert-L. Nolen 14.5

B. Aldrich-C. Schoepfer 13

J. Baxter-B. Mosher 12

A. Wooden-Thilmony 11.5

K. Wheeler-B. Petteys 10.5

C. Brown-J. Thompson 10

C. Gross-K. Pardee 9.5

K. Nygaard-S. Fairbank 0


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