Before Justice of the Peace Doug Dryden
Montana Highway Patrol
Kyle Hermann, 22, expired registration, $45; failure to carry proof of insurance, $75.
Gary Lammert, 57, seatbelt violation, $20.
Chanel Elder, 34, seatbelt violation, $20.
Alexander Johnson, 27, day speeding, $70
Terra Clinkenbeard, 26, operating without insurance, 3rd offense, $85.
Christopher Sommer, 27, day speeding, $20.
Logan Goodwin, 23, following too closely, $85.
Grace Kast, 57, failure to control vehicle, $85; open alcoholic beverage container, $75.
Laura Calatayud, 41, day speeding, $70.
Darren Greeno, 42, day speeding, $20.
Lansing Holloway, 23, day speeding, $70.
Hrishikesh Patrick, 28, night speeding, $70
Gerardo Schimpf, 45, failure to use caution around stationary emergency vehicle, $45.
David Teeples, 72, day speeding, $70.
Lepei Zhao, 18, day speeding, $70.
George Hartshorne, 53, day speeding, $20.
Colton Sior, 21, day speeding, $20.
Douglas Dicken, 25, speeding in a restricted zone, $95.
Donald Privett, 49, driving without a valid license, $235; day speeding, $120.
Wayne Beresford, 67, day speeding, $20.
Oswaldo Chavez, 47, day speeding, $70.
Norman Myers, 59, seatbelt violation, $20.
Raymond Maat, 60, day speeding, $20.
Madeleine Roberts, 25, day speeding, $70.
Oleg Tyshchuk, 23, day speeding, $70.
Kyle Hermann, 22, operating without liability insurance, 1st offense, $75; speeding in a restricted zone, $85.
John Houston, 47, day speeding, $70.
Patrick Brooks, 33, failure to carry proof of insurance, 1st offense, $285.
Michael Harthun, 31, day speeding, $20.
Garin Wood, 26, improper passing, $85.
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