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New tool provides water rights data

The Water Resources Division (WRD) of Montana Dept. of Natural Resources & Conservation (DNRC) has launched new tools, including a fact sheet and a new webpage, to increase transparency and provide succinct data on water rights filings.

Changing demographics and differing geologic and hydrologic conditions influence the number and type of water right applications filed statewide. The number of permits, changes, and exceptions has increased significantly over the past decade, generally coinciding with high growth areas and whether a basin is open or closed to new water rights. The fact sheet highlights trends, establishes a baseline understanding of current and pending water right filings, and is intended to inform future improvements to the process and timelines for water rights applicants.

Additionally, WRD has undertaken improvements to its website, which includes a new page featuring information on recent and ongoing stakeholder engagement efforts ( This site will provide information for anyone interested in engaging with the WRD as it seeks to evaluate and improve its processes for water management and administration in Montana.

“We have seen a marked increase in water right filings in the past decade, notably in the high-growth regions of the state,” says DNRC Director Amanda Kaster. “To understand and characterize these trends, their impact on timelines, and as part of a commitment to public engagement, transparency, and increasing efficiency and expediency, the DNRC has developed some exciting new tools. This is just the beginning of the process.”

Opportunities currently include providing feedback through a scoping survey that will be open through the end of July, as well as through general public comments. WRD will be sharing announcements and materials via this stakeholder engagement website beginning with the spring Water Right fact sheet and summaries of three listening sessions that occurred in June.

The fact sheet may be found online at


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