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What went wrong

As a lowly U.S. Army E-5 enlisted man in the Viet Nam War, it appears that I knew more about military strategy than the four-star general mishandling Biden’s Afghanistan debacle.

The most important point is that you NEVER give up air support. That’s exactly what they did when they closed the American military bases and evacuated our military before evacuating the American civilians. Without air support there is nothing much America can do short of calling out the 82nd Airborne and retaking Kabul.

As it is, Biden will claim that all the American citizens that wanted to leave Afghanistan were evacuated. Of course, this lie will be apparent when the Taliban starts beheading Americans on the Islamic television media.

The following are the steps to take when evacuating a lost-cause country:

1. Consolidate military into defendable bases;

2. Evacuate all American citizens;

3. Evacuate foreign nationals who helped America to our country bases where they can be vetted;

4. Remove or destroy all American military equipment;

5. Systematically close bases and evacuate our military personnel while using cover of air support;

6. Remove air support.

Maybe I should add that you don’t fly the LGBTQ flag on the American Embassy in Islamic countries. We don’t need to advertise our wokeness to the Islamic world.

Whoever planned the Kabul evacuation should be held accountable. If Biden – impeachment. If Gen. Milley or Aston – court martial, followed by dishonorable discharge and then civil lawsuits from families of Americans left behind in Kabul to be executed by the Taliban.

Robert Cheshire,



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