Independently owned since 1905

Justice Court

Before Justice of the Peace Doug Dryden

Montana Highway Patrol

Dawn Davis, 55, driving under the influence, 1st offense, $685, 1 day in jail; operating without insurance, 1st offense, $75.

Brina Bright, 31, day speeding, $20.

Donald Brown, 66, speeding in a restricted zone, $55.

Richard Hillebrandt, 57, leaving the scene of an accident, $285; careless driving, $85; failure to give notice of an accident, 1st offense, $285.

John Riggs, 39, seatbelt violation, $20.

Kristy Russell, 38, seatbelt violation, $20.

Sanders County Sheriff’s Office

Trevor Stapleton, 46, speeding in a restricted zone, $55.

Ashli Slawter, 48, speeding in a restricted zone, $55.

Tanner Vadnais, 20, driving while privilege revoked or suspended, 1st offense, $125, no liability insurance, 2nd offense, $135.


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