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Question of the Week

What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish?

JUDY BERTRAM, Thompson Falls - “My favorite food for Thanksgiving is turkey because it’s so darn good!”

JESSE MOSHER, Thompson Falls - “Green bean casserole. I don’t know why, I just love it.”

ANN DONALDSON, Thompson Falls - “My mom’s homemade sweet potato casserole. We only make it one time a year.”

PATTY KARDOKUS, Heron - “Stuffing, because it’s a good hardy dinner.”

BECKY YODER, Thompson Falls - “Sweet potatoes. I like them plain, not necessarily in a casserole. Just plain fired sweet potatoes.”

LILLI CUPP, Noxon - “Homemade mashed potatoes and gravy. My mom makes them homemade so they are all creamy and delicious.”


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