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Would you stand by?

Hello, Jim Elliott.

Your column on Vigilante Justice in The Sanders County Ledger on November 25 was a one-sided viewpoint with no mention of what brought on this vigilantism in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Rioters (and in no way was this peaceful) are looting and burning down this town with no interference from the police as they are told to “stand down.” The call from the liberal side in our country is to defund the police, we will police our own communities, and when that happens, they are the first to cry foul.

Kyle Rittenhouse was not out looking for trouble, but putting out fires with his fire extinguisher and standing guard at a business he was asked to protect. Then he was beat with a skateboard, kicked when on the ground and then had an illegal gun drawn on him by a felon that by law (if we are abiding by the law) was not allowed to be in possession of a firearm. Kyle’s firearm was legal in every sense of the word, and he did not just come into town and start shooting as some of the fake news stations would like you to believe.

To take an overall look at this situation, the left would like no police, you and I both know this will not work, but if some thugs come into our town, started looting and burning it down, would any one of us stand by if there were no law enforcement on hand to protect our community? Or would we attempt to de-escalate the situation in any possible way we could?

Kim Hofland,

Thompson Falls


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