Independently owned since 1905

Remember When?

121 YEARS AGO • MARCH 30, 1900


From The Plainsman

Continued from last week

The largest business house in the town is that of John Willis, who occupies three buildings on main street, besides having a fine fireproof warehouse, and a warehouse on the railroad for hay, grain, and feedstuffs. He carries almost every necessity that man wants from clothing to footwear, from groceries to meat. He deals in cash only and makes prices accordingly. He has built up a great business and carries an immense stock.

Joseph Weber, barber, has been a resident of that burg for the past 12 years and enjoys a very good trade. He has lately completed a fine residence in the most sightly portion of town.

H. Gates & Co., dealers in drugs and medicines, stationery and notions, are classed with the old timers. They carry a very nice stock in their line and do a good business. Mr. Gates is postmaster.

Goodchild and Lindenbord do a general merchandising business in a brick building on the main street and do a general supply business with adjoining lumber camps.

The Silver Dollar Saloon is run by Henry Florin & Co., and is a credit to the town. They have billiards and pool tables and do a good business. They are old residents of Thompson. (They were located where the First Baptist Church now is.)

Barnes and Fairservice conduct a first-class resort for those who come into town from the mines or timber for a few days recreation and are doing a good business. Their place is attractive and always has some new feature. Mr. Barnes is one of the first to settle in the town by the falls and has many friends in all parts of the state.

M.H. Schanck runs a restaurant on the main street and has been running it for the past five months.

Mrs. Mathews conducts a home laundry and acts as agent for the Missoula steam laundry.

B.C. Lewis has a lease on the Goode saloon and billiard hall and has a large line of acquaintances in this vicinity.

J.H. Massey conducts a first-class lodging house in the building where he first ran a hotel and has a well-arranged bar and billiard hall. He is well informed as to the resources of the country and has great faith in the future of the town.

George Norton runs an orderly saloon on main street and has been a resident of Thompson for 12 years.

E. Preston is proprietor of and runs a livery stable in the north part of town (now the site of St. William's Catholic Church) and does a general freight business. He is also engaged in logging at Belknap. He has a fine stable and a beautiful residence.

Thompson has an excellent physician in Dr. L.E. Knopf, who has recently located there. He is a graduate of the University of Zurich, Switzerland, late assistant surgeon in the German army and assistant in the Royal Woman's Clinic, Berlin. Specialist for physio medicine and graduate of Independent Medical College, Chicago. He is a man who has seen a great deal of experience in surgery on the battlefield. Thompson is honored by the presence of such a man, and his success is a foregone conclusion.

Stiles & Hougland is the firm name of the gentlemen who run a butcher shop opposite the depot. They carry a good supply of all kinds of meats. (F.S. Hougland later became the first mayor of Thompson Falls.)

Mr. F.A. Peck runs a very comfortable hotel opposite the depot and has a very good trade.

Belknap is becoming quite a farming section; no less than six families have settled there on farms this spring. The land, after it is cleared of timber, grows almost everything. The farmer has a home market for his produce and gets good prices.

Last week in the write up of Thompson, we unintentionally overlooked the store of D.V. Herriott. The gentleman first came to Thompson as a schoolteacher and taught several terms. Seeing an opening for a confectionary, fruit and stationery store, he opened his present place. During his residence, he served five years as postmaster. He carries canned goods, tobacco and cigars. He has built up a good business and enjoys the good will of the entire community.


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