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Tranel has what we need

Dear Editor,

What is the economy for? Rich stock traders make money on money without creating anything tangible for society. Grocery store chains raise prices, don’t pay a living wage, and give big bonuses to CEO’s. Meatpacking monopolies shortchange Montana ranchers on cattle prices.

The economy as it is doesn’t benefit poor, low-wage working, and middle-class Montanans. Wages have stagnated for years and nowhere meet the cost of living adjusted for inflation, benefits if any exist at all keep getting cut, housing developments are designed for wealthy out of state newcomers, property taxes keep going up but public-school teachers are amongst the lowest paid in the country.

We need to recognize that if one segment of our community is suffering and unable to thrive then we the collective are also suffering. When we lift up others, we all benefit. It’s time for equitable economic justice.

Montanans need a representative that knows the challenges of making a living off the land, knows the work ethic of main street, is committed to standing up to corporate monopolies, and has a vision to make Montana a leader in the new energy economy.

Monica Tranel has the integrity, commitment, and foresight we need in Congress.

Thank you.

Hannah Hernandez, Heron


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