Independently owned since 1905

Remember When?

105 YEARS AGO • APRIL 19, 1917


Judge Nippert asks The Ledger to inform the public that the ordinance regarding the free range of chickens will be rigidly enforced this year and that the first person who comes before him charged with violation of it will get the limit of penalty provided by law. The ordinance prohibits any owner from permitting the busy biddy to invade a neighbor’s lawn or garden and scratch a livelihood for herself and family. If you have chickens, therefore, you will save both yourself and your neighbor trouble by making the chicken yard fence hen proof or fencing in your yard so that the chickens cannot stray beyond its borders.



The Sanders County U.S.D.A. War Board met Tuesday at the courthouse to discuss general policy.

Discussion of scrap iron collection was thoroughly gone over. A carload of scrap will be loaded from Plains May 1 and another car at Thompson Falls May 8. They also discussed the collection of rubber, burlap and other strategic materials.

The Sanders County Shipping Association under manager M.C.Sutherland will undertake the collection of scrap iron in the county.


Certificates to purchase tires and tubes during the month of February were issued to the following persons by the Sanders County Rationing Board.

Floyd Winn, City, 1 truck tire.

Edgar Lagge, Trout Creek, 1 obsolete passenger car tire, 1 passenger car tube.

Elmer Kurwitz, Noxon, 1 truck tire, 1 truck tube.

L.C. Willmore, Trout Creek, 1 truck tube.

John Cunningham, Whitepine, 2 obsolete passenger car tires and 2 passenger car tubes.


New restrictions, regulations, rationing and orders are coming thick and fast. Here are some of them:

All new construction has been stopped. Any repair or alteration in excess of $500 is prohibited when a necessity permit from the government.

Styling of women’s clothes has been froze. No more frills, or radical style changes for women. Men get no cuffs on their pants. Both men and women will be put in shorts soon.

People are urged to store coal for next winter now, or freeze, since no cars will be available net winter for coal shipments. The railroads will be shipping war essentials exclusively.

Recapped tires are permitted to only a limited number of defense workers.

Vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, radios, cars, golf clubs and most all consumer goods not absolutely essential to public welfare and health have been prohibited.

Coordinator Ickes tells us a gasoline rationing card system will be started soon. Tires cars and typewriters are already rationed.

Sugar rationing registration will start May 4, 5, 6 and 7th at all schools throughout the nation. Don’t fail to register and fill out the details on the registration forms or you may be left out in the cold with “no sugar.”


Fire Chief Earl Davis will start brush, weed and grass burning on vacant lots next Sunday at 10 a.m. All cooperative citizens are asked to contribute their labor and help reduce the fire hazard for the coming year. Everyone will meet at the forest service offices. The fire equipment will be available and persons reporting for assistance are requested to bring a shovel or a rake. This will be continued for several Sundays in a row until the fire hazard is reduced. Of course, the meeting will be postponed in case of rain.


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