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Hello our names are Chace and Bernadette Johnson and we reside in Trout Creek. Both of us were raised here in Sanders County and we come from two of the longer established families in the area. Bernadette was raised on Blue Slide Road and graduated from Thompson Falls High School and Chace was raised in Trout Creek and Noxon and went to school in Trout Creek and Noxon High School. Chace has lived here over 45 years and Bernadette 32. As long time residents of Sanders County we have witnessed the state of the sheriff's office —Bernadette was a reserve deputy in the 90s and later worked for District Court leaving the job due to health reasons.
Chace will freely tell you he used to be an alcoholic, meth user and drug dealer, he completely had his life in ruin and utter chaos. But Chace always wanted a better life for himself and he dreamed of finding a good woman to share his life with.
After Bernadette left her job her life was spiraling out of control as well due to alcohol abuse and a bad habit of picking abusive men. But she too wanted a better life for herself.
Eventually we found each other, started dating, fell in love, cleaned our life up and married last April.
Why are we even telling you all this? Opening ourselves up to scrutiny and ridicule? Because we both feel that for the first time in many years something is before us that causes us due to our backgrounds to speak out.
That is the election of a new sheriff for Sanders County.
We want to take this opportunity to express our views and our first hand experiences on why the only candidate suitable for the job is Roy Scott.
The only candidate that will do a good job and will be devoted to getting drugs out of this county is Roy Scott. He's the only candidate with a proven record of cleaning up drugs in Sanders County.
He has lived here and worked here and the work he has done is clear. There are no ulterior motives with him just hard work aimed at improving our community by irradicating the illegal drugs. The illegal drugs in this county are out of control and are the root cause of all the crime that we have.
Will Roy Scott make mistakes? Yes probably, because he is a human. Because we all make mistakes. But you won't get excuses from him when he does or a cover up. You will get the truth. He will be accountable.
Roy Scott wants the drugs gone and will work to do so and if you don't want Roy, we question what you're into.
Chace feels that due to his past he has an obligation to try and make his past wrongs right and we have a shared dream of a Sanders County that is not plagued by the drugs, corruption and extremism it has become known for. We are now dedicated to helping Roy Scott root out the drugs and drug-related corruption.
If anyone would like to talk to us about our experiences or hear from someone who lived in the drug world for over 20 years who cleaned his act up, got clean and sober and out of that life and how Roy Scott was a huge influence in why Chace changed his life then by all means come talk to us.
We hope that everyone will join us in voting for Roy Scott! It's time to clean out the illegal drugs in Sanders County!
Thank you.
Chace and Bernadette Johnson, Trout Creek
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