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Do your homework during elections

I am writing this letter to the Editor of The Ledger in response to the article published April 21, written by Chelle Mitchell, titled Slice of Life, Doing your Due Diligence.

People might be familiar with the phrase, but might be at a loss, especially when due diligence is directed towards casting your vote during an election process. A simple substitute of words would be: do your homework.

When exercising one’s right to vote, a person needs to study the issues, examining all the details to determine how each issue will impact our community. Hopefully, the voter will make proper choices that will impact our community in a positive way.

As far as candidates go a person needs to be well informed regarding the character, past history, experience, qualifications, honesty, dedication and ability to fill the requirements of the office or position that they seek.

How does one do that?

To start with, ask questions, talk to neighbors, friends, even people you don’t know, get opinions from outside “your box.” Ask people their opinions on various issues and candidates.

You can take it a step further and figure out why a person you asked gives you the answer that they did. Is their answer have any connection to a motive or personal agenda.

Small town gossip is just that, gossip, but you need to find out more. Is there any substance to the gossip? Get to the facts, for the truth can be found in facts.

If you truly want to do the best job at doing your homework (doing your due diligence), get online and contact Commissioner of Political Practices which can be found at There you can find a list of financial contributors to each campaign. There is a detailed list of who contributes what and to whom. Remember the old saying “follow the money?”

If you are really ambitious, spend $25 and get 30 days access to a public records and background site on the internet. On sites like this, a person has access to many aspects of a person’s history and background. Not only can you check on candidates, you can check on their financial contributors too. It might be interesting to see how many people are on the list that come up with money to support a candidate in these hard times.

When is the last time you had a homework assignment like this. You owe your effort to yourself and to your fellow citizens of Sanders County to try to get an “A.”

Cast your vote wisely.

Gordon Wood,

Trout Creek


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