Independently owned since 1905

TCRFD serves more than 1,000

For decades, crowds have been lining up the second weekend in August for a taste of huckleberry heaven. The Trout Creek Rural Fire District pancake breakfast has had the same menu for more than 40 years: huckleberry pancakes, sliced ham and scrambled eggs. The volunteer firemen and women have it down to a science, and not much has changed through the years.

Fire chief Dave Anderson said he has been with the department for 26 years. This year they had 25 helpers cooking, serving and cleaning tables for the four-hour breakfast on Saturday. The district also served breakfast on Sunday until a few years ago, but they have pared down to one day due to a lack of volunteers. Having only one day of breakfast doesn't slow down the crew, though. Anderson said they served more than 1,000 people on Saturday between 7 a.m. and 11 a.m. His wife Shellie said they don't turn anyone away. If they are in line at 11, they will get served. Anderson said they had a few people lined up before they even opened the door Saturday morning.

The pancake breakfast is the primary fundraiser for the fire district's auxiliary. Anderson said they buy shirts and hats for the volunteers, tools, and recently purchased an infrared imaging camera.

Janet Anderson has been a volunteer with the fire department for about two months. "I like helping people and I know they need volunteers," she said. She added that her son is a volunteer fireman in Idaho and that inspired her to join the Trout Creek department.

Dave Anderson said the department is very thankful for all the support they receive from the community and festival goers.


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