Independently owned since 1905

Count yourself as lucky

From a lucky girl -

I’m lucky because I was born up on Gallatin Street when Doc Rosdahl made house calls, went to Thompson Falls schools, and had the privilege of living and working here in this wonderful place. I’m lucky…and grateful. Thompson Falls is a beautiful place to live, work and recreate!

I’m so grateful I’ve been able to help with the Thompson Falls Beautification Days yearly clean-up event. The event involves the schools and all sorts of groups and volunteers who work together to clean up the parks, downtown, etc. and most importantly, the yards of the elderly and disabled residents. What a great way to give back to the community! The Beautification Days Committee is ready to help you extend your talents and support! I’ve been able to be a part of this well-oiled event since 2011, have just recently stepped down from the committee, and am happy to encourage new folks to step up and help out.

See what you can contribute to this event and to this town! You will truly be blessed and will count yourselves as very lucky.

Kathy Conlin, Trout Creek


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