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Attractions Arranged for This Year are Better Than Ever

Aeroplane Flights a Feature

Prizes for Races and Contests

Arrangements for the seventh annual Sanders County Fair are progressing rapidly and while the exhibitors have shown a disposition to be a little backward in entering products, because of unsatisfactory crop conditions, other features promise to more than make up for any deficiency.

The program of races and amusements especially will be far in advance of former years and some really fine attractions have been arranged for. Foremost among them must be mentioned the aeroplane flights which have been contracted for with the Spokane Aviation Company. Flights will be made each of the three days of the fair. This attraction alone will insure a huge attendance.

Other events, such as relay races, wild horse races, Indian pack-and-go races, tepee contest, calf bucking contest for boys’ cowboy quadrilles and various athletic features will offer amusement.

The usual stock, farm products, poultry, horticultural and school exhibits will be given proper attention, and there will be a baby show, canning demonstrations, Indian displays, etc. Something for everybody all the time.

Following is the program of races:

Cowboys’ Relay Race – Four saddle horses, stake saddle, buckle cinch. Two miles each way. Purse - $100.

Indian Relay Race – Indians must furnish three horses in charge of two assistants, one to hold and one to catch. Race one and done-half miles each day. Riders will ride without saddles, change horses each half mile, mount and dismount unassisted. Purse $100.

One Mile Liberty Dash – Open to all entries. Purse - $60.

Half Mile Dash, purse - $50

Quarter Mile Race, purse - $40.

Boys Pony Race, one-half mile, Purse - $15.

Wild Horse Race – Horse roped at corral, brought to grandstand, saddled and rode with halter around track. Purse - $50.

Night Shirt Race – one-half mile race. Riders mounted to start at post. Riders to dismount at one-eighth post, open suitcase, take out and put on night shirt, mount horse with suitcase and ride to quarter post, dismount, take up and raise umbrella, hold suit case in one hand and umbrella in other and complete race. Prize – riding bridle.

Slow Race – riders exchange mounts, last horse in wins. Purse – Navajo saddle blanket.

Quick Change race – start mounted, chaps on ground, run 100 yards, remove saddle, return to starting point and put on chaps, run 100 yards to saddle and put on saddle. No rubber cinches allowed. Saddle must be cinched at start and finish, and chaps must be on and properly buckled. Prize – silver mounted spurs.

Ladies’ Saddle Horse Race – purse, $15.

Indian Pack-and-go Race – pack the horse and run one-half mile. Purse - $15.

Indian Race – purse, $15.

Bicycle Race – purse, $15.

Stake Race – riders to start mounted, run 100 yards, turn stake and return to starting point. Horses must be saddle horses. Purse – riding gloves.

Calf bucking contest for boys. Cowboy quadrille (a square dance formation), Indian war dance, sword and helmet fight, push ball games, Ford automobile retreat, home guard drill. Stock show each day.


OCTOBER 1, 1952


In an early morning fire Saturday, the Thompson Falls Lumber Company Mill burned to the ground (approximately one mile east of town by high school turn-off). The cause has not been determined. The boiler room, dry kilns, planning mill and resaw were saved. J.M. Brown Jr., one of the owners from Sandpoint, made the statement that the mill was covered by insurance and would be rebuilt. The mill was one of the most modern in western Montana and also one of the newest having been constructed early in 191 and went into operation in June of 1952.


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