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Hypocrisy on full display

Mr. Elliott's change of focus to a single event of sending a few illegal aliens to punctuate the invasion occurring on our southern border put the predictable hypocrisy of the leftists on full display. Mr. Elliott would have us believe this is a legal operation where nefarious entities are paying for and luring millions of ignorant poor into a multi prong attack on America. Well over the number of American service members killed in Vietnam and Afghanistan have been killed veiled by creating this crisis on our border. Fentanyl made in China, delivered to the cartels for distribution in America. The number of illegal aliens being abused and killed on their paved journey through Mexico by a still unknown source of funding. The other prong of the open invasion is to dilute the electorate in the hope that these needy people will vote democrat. I take exception with Mr. Elliot’s assertion that this group is "mostly from Venezuela". There is no paper trail to support his claim of origins. In fact, we now know that Venezuela is emptying out their prisons and we are receiving the very worst of the population. Mr. Elliot would have us believe these claims of asylum are true but we know they are not because 99% never show up for their hearings which is another law broken after illegal entry! Mr. Elliot would have us believe this was just a stunt by Governor Desantis but mostofAmerica got a glimpse of a problem that is destroying our country and put on full display the nature of the wealthy democrats who mobilized their National Guard and got the unclean moved out of their neighborhoods.

One of the only missions of the federal government is to protect and secure our borders and our culture. I submit that the Democrat party is only interested in securing a permanent power base to rule over indefinitely and cheerleaders like Mr. Elliott are complicit in putting party before country. Finally I take great exception that his editorials are called "Montana Viewpoint" and the Ledger should be doing its due diligence in seeking a dissenting voice on a biweekly basis.


Chris Hill, Trout Creek


Reader Comments(1)

puddlejumper writes: