Independently owned since 1905

Remember When?

90 YEARS AGO • NOVEMBER 23, 1932


Homemakers by the thousands are enjoying a new helper in their kitchens – towels for kitchen use are proving a boon because they are so convenient and, at the same time, economical to use.

Introduced after fifteen months of use in test markets, the new paper towel has been proved entirely practical. These towels come in a roll of 150 pure, white, generous sized tissue towels. They are highly absorbent and seen to have an especial affinity for greasy stains. They are used for the hundred and one little uses to which you hate to put your clean tea towels. As they are just used and then thrown away, laundering of towels is materially reduced.

These towels are more than just a towel for wiping the hands and face. They are used for wiping grease and soot from cooking utensils, for draining grease from fried foods, for polishing silver and glassware, for mopping up spilled liquids and for dozens of other little tasks in the home. The neat towel fixture is offered in jade green or French ivory finish and is put in place very easily.

80 YEARS AGO • NOVEMBER 25, 1942


The only merchandising establishment left in Paradise is the Paradise Mercantile, operated by one of Sanders County’s oldest pioneer merchants, J.F. Hauge. Recently his competition, Chas. C. Bowser who operated the Red and White store and meat market there closed up. Mr. Bowser is now working at Bayview. The restaurant, the filling station there and a saloon also closed, leaving very little business left in town.

I found this little tidbit about J.F. Hauge from Pioneers and Settlers of Sanders County: 1912 – John F. Hauge, one of the live wires of Paradise, came down to the county seat Tuesday to appear before the board of county commissioners, asking that the county jail be erected in his town. He succeeded in securing the promise of $600 for that purpose and expects the building to be erected about the first of March. The lower floor will be occupied by the jail and the second floor used for a city hall. I have never found any evidence that this venture succeeded.

Paradise is the N.P. division point, and tie treating plant for this section of the road east to Minneapolis. There have always been and still are heavy payrolls there. Plains and the other ends of the division, Missoula and Spokane benefitted largely from the payrolls.

Mr. Bowser had an excellent business, and we always understood that his financial condition was favorable. He closed up and left his stock undisposed of, we understand, because he wanted to get into the very lucrative defense work.

At Arlee a number of business houses have closed and more are expected to close shortly. There are all kinds of vacancies in Missoula. For instance, the Typewriter Exchange there closed this week, leaving Missoula, a city normally of about 18,000 (less now) without a single typewriter agency in operation there, whereas in normal years they had several.

The government hopes that all businessmen who close up will get into defense work and help the war cause and relieve the labor shortage.


Choice Logged-Off Lands in Productive Clark’s Fork Valley


Available on Easy Terms

10 PERCENT DOWN. Balance – 10 yearly payments, bearing four percent interest.

We aid buyers in selecting a location that is adapted to their needs.

You are offered Agricultural Lands with values determined by experienced appraisers. There are no commissions charged – no promotion costs – or other items usually added before a sale is made.

The lands are ideal for dairying – for raising hogs and poultry – for fruit – field crops – and for garden trucks or tracts?.

Large or small tracts of logged-off lands in the Clark’s Fork valley are sold on easy terms. Address correspondence to: Anaconda Copper Mining Company, Lumber Department, Bonner, Montana.

The ACM Company owned thousands of acres in western Montana that they logged very heavily for timbers for the mines. An old timer told me the land they sold was considered ‘stump farms.’ All that was left on the land were stumps. It was hard backbreaking work getting those stumps and brush out of the ground to turn it into farmland. Some succeeded, some gave up.


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