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Shakespeare in School

Macbeth attacks Macduff in the final fight scene of Shakespeare's "Macbeth" played by the cast of Shakespeare in the Schools at Plains School. Macduff, played by Sam Cheeseman, claims victory by beheading Macbeth, played by Ian Geers. About 200 high school and junior high students and around 20 teachers and staff members attended the near 90-minute play last Wednesday in the school's multipurpose room. The school paid $800 for the Bozeman group to perform, according to Hannah Jacobsma, the director of Community Access and Engagement for the Montana Shakespeare in the Parks program, which is a part of the Montana State University drama program. She added that some of the costs are made up in donations and grants. Most of the eight cast members played multiple parts. This is the 30th season for Shakespeare in the Schools. The cast began its tour in October in Sydney, Montana, and will finish up in mid December in Manhattan. Shakespeare in the Schools is one of three annual programs, including Shakespeare in the Parks in the summer, Shakespeare in the Schools in the fall, and Montana Shakes in the spring. The Plains Woman's Club sponsors Shakespeare in the Parks and the Missoula Children's Theatre program every other year.


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