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Destroy or restore constitution

Dear Editor,

In response to Mr. Rude’s letter; “Hands off the constitution,” I would like to speak specifically to the U.S. Constitution. George Washington said, “The constitution … approaches nearer to perfection than any government hitherto instituted among men.” The adoption of the Constitution, “will demonstrate as visibly the finger of Providence as any possible event in the course of human affairs can ever designate it.” Benjamin Franklin made the observation that this nation would be a “rising sun not a setting sun”.

Living under this inspired constitution for the first 200 years brought great success. “The United States represents approximately 5% of the world’s population but has created more new wealth than all the rest of the world combined. … the United States has been the bread basket of the world.”

So why would anyone want to change our wonderful, inspired Constitution? The sad reality is that our constitution has already been changed; largely through judicial interpretation. For example the original meaning of the Welfare Clause limited congress to what they could spend money on. Congress had limited responsibility and could only spend money on those areas listed in Article 1 section 8 of the constitution. Also, General Welfare meant things that would benefit the GENERAL population as a whole, not a special interest group. However; the Supreme Court Ruling in the Butler Case of the 1930’s gave Congress the power to spend money on ANYTHING they thought would be for ANYONE’S welfare. That opened the flood gate of spending. Today we are facing over $31 Trillion in U.S. national debt which is over $246,000 per tax payer. This is not what our founders intended. So, the question is what do we do? Do we say we don’t want to change our constitution while we watch the legislative, executive, & judicial branches of our federal government as well as bureaucratic agencies change our constitution right before our eyes. They may not change the words in our pocket constitutions, but they change it just the same through new legislation, executive decisions, case law, and bureaucratic regulations.

Our founders foresaw the reality of an out-of-control federal government. They gave us Article V where amendments can be proposed by either Congress or a Convention of States to correct this problem. The Convention of States Actions is calling for a convention to RESTORE the Constitution to its original intent. Proposed amendments would be LIMITED to 1.) Imposing fiscal restraints on the federal government, 2.) Limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, & 3.) Limiting the terms of office for its officials and for members of Congress.

Is this a good idea or a bad idea? There is a lot of misinformation and unfortunately a lot of angry debates over this question. The importance of getting the truth about this issue is the difference between either destroying our Constitution or Restoring our Constitution. I do presentations on Article V and the Convention of States process. Let’s get together as friends, with your questions, concerns, and suggestions. Let’s learn and work together to save the Constitution we love.

I would love to hear from you,

Peggy Bates,

Thompson Falls


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