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Golf teams off to a good start

The Blue Hawks golf team teed off for their first tournament of the season at the Indian Springs Golf Club in Eureka, where the Divisional Tournament will be held. "The Blue Hawks had a good start with the first tournament of the year," said Coach Doree Thilmony.

Ellie Baxter was the team's star golfer with a score of 90, finishing 4th out of 36 golfers. Thilmony said that Baxter looked strong, had great consistency and picked up right where she left off last season. "She has been a great leader for her young team and I look forward to more points dropping for Ellie as the season continues," added Thilmony.

Baxter's advice for first time golfers was, "don't add up your score until the end, focus instead on the process and the score will take care of itself."

Cael Thilmony scored a 94, finishing 18th out of 55 golfers and had a birdie on hole 11. "He showed great resilience and patience throughout the day and his chipping allowed for the low score that resulted. I see Cael as a more mature golfer this season and believe he will lower his score and compete for a place at the state tournament this year," said Thilmony.

Senior Colton Wormwood scored a 112. Thilmony said that his goal of breaking 100 looks very attainable, as he works hard and focuses on the process as well as evaluating the results. Addi Pardee scored 122; Theo Nygaard scored a 126 and Aubrey Baxter scored a 127.

"I can say that Theo, Addi and Aubrey had great attitudes throughout the round. I was proud of their character on the course and also the ability to rebound from difficult shots. They walked away from the day with smiles and wanting to come back for more, which is always the main goal of our program," said Thilmony.

The Plains Horsemen/Trotters launched their season on Thursday at the Indian Springs Golf Club in Eureka. Coach Lisa Brown said that the kids golfed pretty well, with Brandt Snead leading the way for the boys team. Returning this year to the Plains golf team are: Snead, Drew Carey, Kort Craft and Hallie Corbin, who is the sole girl this season. New to the team is senior Jayden Weeks and sophomore Isaiah Pasemen.

"Our goal is to qualify for the State tournament in Shelby. Golf is a game that is played between the ears, so our mental approach is something that we will always try to improve," said Brown.

Plains will host a golf tournament in Plains this Friday at 10 a.m.


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