Independently owned since 1905
Montana Highway Patrol
Sharon Stokes, 48, speeding in a restricted zone, $145.
Richard Nolan Mairena, 23, improper passing - crowding overtaken vehicle, $85.
Jerrod Schmauch, 46, speeding in a restricted zone, $105.
Brandy Kovis, 41, speeding in a restricted zone, $95.
Adam Johnson, 41, day speeding, $70.
Austin Wildt, 42, seatbelt violation, $20; speeding in a restricted zone, $85.
Jeremiah Irwin, 42, driving without a valid driver’s license, $235; day speeding, $20.
Ronald Flink, 48, speeding in a restricted zone, $105.
Brooke Winrow, 31, speeding in a restricted zone, $95.
Daniel Bedryak, 22, night speeding, $20.
Stanislav Chernyy, 21, unlawful possession of open alcoholic beverage container in vehicle on highway, $75.
Kaden Jackson, 19, night speeding, $20.
Jacqueline Carie, 60, passing in a no-passing zone, $85.
Jacob Balbas, 31, speeding in a restricted zone, $85.
Randy Flicker, 41, day speeding, $20.
Sanders County Sheriff’s Office
Erick Pakas, 26, driving without valid driver’s license, $535.
Richard Nolan Mairena, 23, careless driving, $85; unlawful possession of marijuana/products/paraphernalia in motor vehicle on highway, $75.
Donald Hamilton, 58, theft, 1st offense, $135.
Camden Armstrong, 26, operating without liability insurance, 1st offense, $85.
Motor Carrier Services
Travis Schmoock, 35, false log, $285.
Richard Pretzer, 54, failure to register O/S motor vehicle when used for hire/person gainfully employed in MT, $85.
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