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Noxon wins division title

It was the making of Noxon history last Saturday as the Noxon Cougars Babe Ruth baseball team won the Glacier League Division Tournament in a doubleheader in Eureka. Coach Wes Tucker said that it was the first time ever for either Babe Ruth (ages 13-15) or Legion (ages 16-18) baseball from Noxon to win a division title.

Against all odds, the Cougars were able to claim victory. Coach Tucker and Coach Josh Sears had some serious coaching to do with two-thirds of the team, just coming from playing little league, at ages 13. Tucker said that the little league rules are different and the professional baseball field is much bigger, making a huge learning curve for the boys. For example, there is no stealing in little league.

For strategics, Tucker and Sears put the 14- and 15-year-old boys in the outfield because of their more developed throwing arms.

The Noxon weather pattern was deemed to be a challenge as the team wasn't even able to practice on the ball field until a week before their first scrimmage. "Eureka beat us badly, 18-5 in that first scrimmage," said Tucker. They had been on the field practicing for a month.

The first game on Saturday was a 13-3 win against the Libby Loggers. The Cougars started out slow in the batting box. Tucker said they had to adjust to the slow pitching by the Loggers. "By the fourth and fifth innings we clobbered the pitches," said Tucker.

Noxon pitcher Dallas Weaver was spot on with throwing strikes, and the team played aggressively on the bases with stealing being a theme. The Loggers throwing balls also helped the Cougars with base-walking.

The second game against the Eureka Rangers was a 17-7 triumph for Noxon. "We had a phenomenal offense, hitting hard at first," said Tucker, adding that the defense played strong with only two errors in the game.

In the second inning, co-captain Sheldon Frank hammered an inside-the-field home run. In the fourth inning, co-captain and third baseman Justice Kayser cracked a triple, and later, second baseman Lonnie Wengerd had an amazing catch for the last out to end the game.

Tucker said it was great pitching by the "mighty-mite twins" Arrow and Asher Cramer. They pitched strikes and only walked one or two players.

"The boys surpassed all of our expectations as the season progressed. Their confidence grew, and they were able to come together as a complete team. They made Noxon history with their hard work and execution," said Tucker.

The Noxon Cougars will be playing as the No. 1 seed at the divisional tournament in Columbia Falls on June 12-14.


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