Independently owned since 1905
Montana Highway Patrol
Teresa Destefano, 69, speeding in a restricted zone, $85.
Constance Brooks, 55, day speeding, $70.
Davy Troyer, 35, seatbelt violation, $20.
Joseph Gonzales, 55, day speeding, $70.
Kala Lougheed, 38, day speeding, $70.
Joshua Rainbolt, 23, speeding in a restricted zone, $85.
Adam Denham, 32, speeding in a restricted zone, $55.
Mark Hilborn, 57, day speeding, $20.
Cassidy McDonald, 38, day speeding, $70.
Caleb Wolfe, 20, failure to carry proof of insurance in vehicle, 1st offense, $285; speeding in
a restricted zone, $85.
Haley Halepis, 18, speeding in a restricted zone, $85.
Steven Hale, 30, day speeding, $20.
Sanders County Sheriff’s Office
Homer Colman, 40, assault, 180 days jail with all suspended.
Reese Pomdexter, 20, day speeding, $20.
Melissa Tompkins, 35, selling/providing alcoholic beverages to person under 21, $135.
Carson Alexander, 21, stop sign violation, $85.
Motor Carrier Services
Eden Chubb, 44, operating commercial motor vehicle without CDL, 1st offense, $235.
Joel King, 70, exceeding 34,000 lbs tandem axle weight limit, $160.
Andrew Brotherton, 46, exceeding max gross weight allowed by any axles, $1,035.
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
David Hosier, 56, fishing without a license, $185.
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